Wednesday, May 13, 2020

computer science vs engineering

"computer science" is at the very bottom right now (at least in the US) universities do not have "programs". This means that people who are interested in programs need to take computer courses, but how their responses to academic exams emphasize the programs.

However, computer science is a very complex science - math can be a good word. This applies to the study of graphical algorithms, algorithms, physical functions, automated and general mathematical models that can explain changes or responses to inputs - algorithms. An exemplary computer scientist can review the rules of a computer system (including a new computer) without knowing the details of the current practice. A solid foundation in computing offers the ability to develop (or clarify) operations, work algorithms, predict logical reductions, and optimize potential results.

In contrast, programming is what an individual does when using programming languages ​​to change algorithms based on what the machine will do. (This should involve computer science and where the greatest misunderstanding comes from.) The programmer (in terms of environment and language) should be able to customize and customize each algorithm. - and the machine reads it in encoding. A solid foundation of programming (as many CS courses offer for you) allows you to write better code - while people who can use "code" compare algorithms more easily and efficiently. Do it.

Obviously, there is a big little conversation, a lot of experience, and what will be in line with the development experience and vice versa - as mentioned before, CS is almost a trained programmer as well as a programmer. I have time. many CS principles. Think physics and engineering.

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